Anthroposophic Curative Education, Youth Guidance, Social Therapy and Elderly Care
Anthroposophic curative education, youth guidance, social therapy and elderly care offer education, learning support, training, work, care and residential opportunities for children, youth, adults and elders with disabilities. Anthroposophic curative education, youth guidance, social therapy and elderly care came into existence out of the spiritual insights of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925).
"Curative Education" refers to the work with children with special needs. Kindergarten and school education in conjunction with specific therapies and often medical care provide an overall concept that aims to enhance child development. The methods used are developed out of Anthroposophy; Waldorf education, therapeutic education, therapies such as therapeutic eurythmy and Anthroposophic medicine.
"Youth Guidance" refers to the work with young adults with special needs. Young adults with special needs need training before stepping fully into the life of adulthood. Youth guidance centers offer vocational training and educaition to young adults with special needs. Various social experience helps young adults grow as human beings, and become responsible adults in the world.
"Social Therapy" refers to work with adults with special needs. Social therapy involves creating social situations that will allow people with special needs experience maximum independence and self-determination. Suitable workplace and residential accommodation as well as cultural opportunities both outside and inside the centers help create life situations that encourage individual development in safe social settings.
"Elderly Care" refers to serving elders through caring for the body, soul and spirit. Elders love continue to have opportunities to contribute, and to live life full of dignity, joy and fulfillment. They enjoy meaningful activities that promote wellbeing, social engagement and a cultural life.