Coworker Education
Camphill Academy
Some NAC communities offer opportunities professional education in anthroposophic curative education and social therapy through the Camphill Academy. Detailed information on these programs, their availability at participating communities, bachelor degree options and the application process can be found on the Camphill Academy’s website ( You may also contact any NAC member community to inquire about the option of enrolling in a Camphill Academy program as a member of that community.
Biodynamic Agriculture
Many NAC communities practice biodynamic agriculture, and some offer training in biodynamic agriculture. Biodynamic agriculture is a holistic and ecological approach to farming and gardening. It is based on the spiritual insights of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Biodynamic agriculture is practiced throughout the world, in thousand of gardens and farms. Many farmers and gardeners strive to create healthy and sustainable ecological system, as well as nutritious and flavor-full food through practing biodynamic agriculture. Biodynamic preparations are made from fermented manure, herbs and minerals. The preparations help restore the life forces of the agricultural land, and the earth. Biodynamic farmers and gardeners strive to work with the influences of cosmic forces, as well. (
Please inquire each NAC community if the community practices biodynamic agriculture or offers training in biodynamic agriculture.
Please inquire each NAC community if the community practices biodynamic agriculture or offers training in biodynamic agriculture.